Friday, December 15, 2017

Dec. 18th- Dec. 22nd:
Spelling: Students will bring home a pretest to help them practice over the weekend. This is our only test this week!
High Frequency Word List #2
say, great, where, help, through, much, before, line, right, too, means, old, any, same, tell, boy, following, came, want, show, also, around, farm, three, small

Christmas Around the World:
We will make 6 stops around the world to learn about Christmas traditions in other countries. 

All Aboard for the Polar Express!!!!!! 
On Thursday second grade will have their annual trip to the North Pole on the Polar Express! Please send your child to school in their pjs. They need to wear tennis shoes to school, but they may bring slippers to change into and one stuffed animal to share their day with. See the parent note that was sent home in Friday folders.

 Classes will be dismissed at 12:00 on Friday. We have an 8th-grade chapel service and our Christmas party in the morning!

We will not have math homework this week.
I will be sending home a few addition fact sheets with each student to encourage practice over Christmas break.

Science/Social Studies: 
We will combine a Social Studies unit on factories and a Science unit on pollution.
Students will be able to identify pollution involving air, land, and water.
Students will design a factory storefront, plan (draw) a product to sell, decide how the item would be delivered to the consumer, and price the item. They will also discover why factories can create a larger quantity in a shorter amount of time than items created by individuals. We will have a demonstration of how factories work by creating paper chains for our classroom.

Important Information /Reminders:
The first and second grade Advent service will take place on December 20th at 10:00am and at 7:00 pm.
Children are to wear regular school uniform dress to the 10:00 chapel service and church clothes to the 7:00 pm service. Please drop your child off between 6:45-6:50 in the church basement. Please do not leave your child unattended in the church basement. Teachers will arrive at 6:45.

Last week of the second quarter: Friday is the last week of the quarter. Grade cards will come home in January. I will send home a writing sample from the quarter in Friday folders along with an evaluation tool to help you get a better idea of grade level expectations. Students will receive a grade (+, √, or -) for quarters 3 and 4. 
You can help your child by:
* encouraging them to keep a journal
*writing thank you letters to loved ones for Christmas presents
*creating lists for the grocery store

Reading over Christmas Break: Over Christmas break, some children slide in their reading progress from the beginning of the year. A few will recover quickly while others might take up to several weeks to get back to where they were before the break. I have challenged students to read at least two books (or one chapter book) over Christmas break. 

Note from Bethany Andrews:
You are invited to join us for a 2nd Grade Milestone Class!
Zion Lutheran Church believes God calls parents to be the primary spiritual leaders for their children. Milestone Classes focus on creating and celebrating healthy spiritual habits and equip parents and families to teach their children.
The 2nd grade class will focus on the Lord's Prayer. Classes will meet on Saturday, January 13th at 4:15pm OR Sunday, January 14th at 9:30am in the School Library. Pick the class time that works best for you and your family!
To sign up, contact Bethany Andrews, Children's Ministry Director at or 636-441-7425 ext 254  by December 31st.

Today students brought home bags filled with hand-painted pebbles with baby Jesus on them. We want to scatter these pebbles around town by delivering them to a neighbor, leaving them on a park bench, or handing them to the cashier at Walmart. Our hope is to remind people, during this hectic time, of the true meaning of Christmas. This is a service project second graders can do ALL BY THEMSELVES. My purpose is to help these wonderful young people understand that serving others doesn't always involve money and relying on parents.

Reflecting on our week:
We shared a reading of The True Gift this week. Students fell in love with White Cow.

 We shared time with Mrs. Mudd's preschool class. We listened to a reading of The Brave Little Christmas Tree and then created trees of our own.

 Students got to visit the snowball store to practice fraction skills.

 On Friday our 8th graders let us participate in Los Posadas.

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