Thursday, November 9, 2017

Nov. 13th- Nov. 17th:
Luke 1:30

Lesson 12

Synonyms & Antonyms

Point of View

Writing to persuade: Save the Turkeys

Math: Test on Friday

Science/Social Studies: We will focus on the first Thanksgiving this week.

Important Information /Reminders:

*Fall Auction Round Up is coming Nov 13th through the 17th! We are looking for donations for the Zion School Auction March 16, 2018. You can drop them off before school the week of November 13that the main school entrance or the Early Childhood entrance. For every $25 in donations, you will receive a ticket for an opportunity to win 2 FREE Auction Tickets! Need donation ideas? Grab a leaf off an Auction Trees to help you shop. Any help is appreciated! Thank you for your generosity!

*The Thanksgiving Food Drive is quickly approaching (11/15/17). Our chapel offering on Nov. 15th will be an assigned food item. Each grade will donate a specific item and STUCO will put dinner boxes together to deliver to the Seminary Food Bank. 
Second graders are asked to donate stuffing and boxed potatoes to help Seminary families.
2nd Grade -  Stuffing & Boxed Potatoes (mashed, sweet, slices, etc.)

Reflecting on our week: Breaking News below...
Students have been working hard on researching and creating news reports on a natural disaster of their choosing. Students were given a rubric informing them of the items to include in their report and the rest was left up to their collaboration and creativity. I enjoyed watching the children work on this project. There was a buzz in the room as they were so excited, often asking throughout the day when they would be able to work on their report. This is how learning should be! We will watch the reports as a class and share thoughts on what went well, what was challenging, and what we would do differently next time.

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